Women’s Issues in Transportation Conference

Women’s Issues in Transportation Conference

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  • Women's Issues in Transportation Conference

  • Women's Issues in Transportation Conference-image
  • Location: USA

    Organization: Transportation Research Board (TRB)

    An international conference on Women’s Issues in Transportation to explore women’s perspectives, challenges, and achievements.

    About the Wise Practice

    The Transportation Research Board (TRB), a division of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), promotes innovation and progress in transportation through research in an objective and interdisciplinary setting. Every four years since 1978, the TRB has been sponsoring an international conference on Women's Issues in Transportation (WIiT). The conference provides an update on the progress and challenges in relation to women and mobility; explores how gender equality practices in transportation are increasing business and economics development; exchanges ideas on how public agencies can incorporate good gender equality policies and practices with approaches to oversee efforts and measure performance; and examines methods to address safety and security of women who are employed with or using transportation systems.




    1. Goal 1Promote age- and gender-responsive planning and investment for sustainable, safe and accessible urban mobility (NUA 13f, 114; SDG 11.2).
    2. Goal 2: Improve road safety and integrate it into sustainable mobility and transport infrastructure planning and design, with special attention to the needs of all women and girls and those in vulnerable situations (NUA 113; SDG 11.2).


    Conference proceedings have compiled considerable data from research conducted over the last 40 years. These are available on the WIiT website. Session tracks include women’s travel behavior patterns; transportation planning and policy processes to consider women’s issues; women’s safety, personal security, and health considerations in transportation; and women and emerging transportation technologies.


    The conference began in 1978 and takes place every 4 years. The most recent conference in 2019 encouraged participants to guide their presentations using an evaluative framework of insights, inclusion, and impact.


    Resources and More Information

    Conference Website